Rebekah Estrada


Above bloom pale roses, streaked with brilliant lightning scars
That blaze through sorrel nimbus, through pale midnight skies

It’s just the same old hurt again; he’s yanking on my heartstrings
He’s got me all tied up inside, like a pair of muddy shoestrings

He grins with dull intensity, to reveal a thousand ruby stars
That fade and blink and fade again, in sweeping tired sighs

God these kids have got me on the edge, like 20 cans of red bull
Can't sleep, can't eat, I'm going to get myself in trouble

And against the Narrow Crags below, and careless, sloping cliff sides,
Lie swirling desperate waters, 100 miles of silver ocean

My poor Bird Cried, said I was these reason for his music
Now the sad thing is he doesn’t sing, and this guilt is making me sick

That court the blushing shoreline and tender, curling tides
And his sudden waves of fury that sing with hazy passion,

And I’m tired of singing sad songs, I’m tired of this tragedy
But I don’t know how to fix this; god, I broke his heart repeatedly.
And all the fighting, all the angry words, all the things he ever said
They’re the reason that I’m up at night; they're the aching in my sleepy head

They remind me that I'm home

I want to go home, but I’m just not sure what that means anymore.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.