Garfield Riley

Back To The End

The ice willingly dripped to water.
Through the pipes without end back and back again.
Faster. Faster. Look!
There’s light we can see as if crying out,
Wanting to be free screaming, hoping, longing, fading, gone.
We reach further back to the ocean waves standing up-right walking over the land, with an elegant flow.
Swish and crash, crash and swish.
As if they move in a orderly chaotic formation,
Playing a game of cat and mouse.
Thundering tides going back to the time when dinosaurs roamed.
While they devour, race, soar, to their new carefree heights.
Not knowing what lies ahead.
Into the murky darkened air, as if blinded by a false light.
There! What do you see? The empty nothing.
The moon this sleepy night can’t penetrate. Trying but can’t shine its brightly lit wings as it moves to find us, which it did once before.
Then, see it’s back to nothing but space itself.
Back to where it all started and where life begins again.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.