Daniel Lee

The Blouse

On my way to my house

I was in a big car

While on the seat, I was wearing my blouse

But instead my dad drove to the bar


When we pulled up to the parking lot,

My dad told me to stay,

But inside it was too hot,

Especially because it was May.

10 minutes after my dad had left, I stepped onto the ground

Then I saw 3 people commit a theft

So I went up and gave them a pound


Later my dad came back to the car

He saw what I did and called 911

But I told him, he was going too far

But it was too late, it was already done.


2 minutes later the policeman came

They handcuffed the thieves and went away.

Before they left, they asked for my name,

And everyone came out and said HOORAY!


And when I came home, my mom said “hun,

....what you did today was very well done."


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.