Bronwen S.

I am From

I am from ferryboats, helicopters, and trains.

I am from riding in helicopters and doing emergency landings.

I am from riding the train into the city and reading other people's texts.

I am from long trips to the island.

I am from huge bright light campfires on the beach.

I am from relaxing next to the campfires and skipping rocks into the deep blue sea.

I am from swimming with slimy jellyfish to swimming inside with alligators.

I am from slipping and sliding on the pond to ice skating in the cold arctic zone.

I am from a health freak household.

I am from sneaking out at night to go grab some warm melted chocolate fudge.

I am from dancing in the moonlight to tanning in the sun.

I am from digging in the sand until I reach the smooshy watery sand.

I am from doing cartwheels and handstands on the beach.

I am from making warm lasagna on snowy days.

I am from long island.


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