Leith Boutiba

Midnight Ingenuity

When you have forgotten Sunday halves in bed.

You wake up tired and your brain is dead.

You feel like half the day is gone.

A few more ticks approaching dawn.

Utilize the day for one of rest.

Although you might need to clean your nest.

The next day you must shed the light.

Prepare today for it might be bright.

A short time of darkness to bear.

For soon you will breathe the fresh air.

When the time comes to enhance.

It will be your one and only chance.

After a long day with a dreary tone.

I returned home and let out one last moan.

The hot never ending pounding in my head.

I whipped out the light and flowed into bed.

I was enveloped by my pillows and surrounding dreams.

It was quiet and placid until I heard screams.

The screeching shriek soared and pierced the night air.

Before I knew it I was being pulled by my hair.

I woke up suddenly startled with surprise.

 It was clear as glass the fear in my eyes.

The mellow gloomy moon saved me from the dark night.

It was then I realized I was feeling very light.

My head was spinning I hit the sack.

As I dozed off the dream was dragging me back.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.