Brittany Williams

The Tight Genetic Bond

The Tight Genetic Bond
My relationship with my brother is like peanut butter and jelly
Our physical appearance is so much different,
But we fit just right when put together.
Although we fight like normal siblings,
Abusing each other until one is in massive pain,
Our love for each other still remains.
My brother and I play the same sports
Which includes basketball and track,
We work very hard while succeeding on the court and field.
My brother and I do things to annoy one another
Constantly taking each others things,
Then returning them when they’re not useful anymore.
We both strive for greatness
While working hard in school,
Our similar characteristics have no emptiness,
Just like an apparatus without no tools.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.