Tim Keegan

Do You Remember?

Do you remember back in first grade,

When Lindsay, you, and I would play that game?

You would run and hit a mattress we held up,

Since you were always so mad,

But that barely stopped you.


How about back in fourth grade,

When I jumped on you by accident?

While you were napping.

You sprinted after me until I was in the bathroom,

But that barely stopped you.


How about in seventh grade,

When you teased me about my girlfriend so much?

I would only talk to her in my closet,

Since I was so embarrassed,

But that barely stopped you.


How about a couple months ago, in tenth grade,

When I, your younger brother,

Teased you about the girl you brought home?

But that was when you stopped me,

Reminding me of first, fourth and seventh…

But that never stopped me.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.