Victoria Brackett

Love is like Air

When I was younger
My mom would always tell me stories
About life and
What is truly important
“Love is like air,” she would tell me
“Without it you couldn’t live.”

Growing up has taught me
This is true.
Without love in the world
What would we do?

People striving for love
Is a vital part of life
No matter where it’s from,
Friends, family, a boyfriend or girlfriend
We want and need their support and love.

Air is essential, as is love
I’ve been told losing love
Feels as if you can’t breathe
And there is no air around you
As your heart slowly breaks.

And once you lose love
You can never get it back.
And that’s a tragedy within itself.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.