Freydon Salem

Not the First Time

I writhe as my alarm clock rings,
Waking to the chirps the birds sing.
My face of a patient, sedate.
Then I realize I am late.
I come barreling down the stairs,
Throw on my Nike Airs.
And out the door I go.

Glancing at the car’s clock in panic,
My brain goes into a manic.
The red-light ahead seems broken,
Feelings are expressed unspoken.
The bell hollering as I park,
Hoping tardies won’t change my mark
And out the door I go.

Racing down the hall for my class,
Hoping not to get teacher’s sass
Upon arrival to the door,
My sound of a fat panting boar.
Compose myself outside the room.
And in the door I go.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.