Aaron Plosker


We meet on the field destroyed by our cleats
While the rain flows in from the streets
To condition and practice, to prepare for feats.
We run, stretch, go from drill to drill
And teach the rookies who lack our skill
Through our determination and power of will.

We sprint, cut, and pass to get down the field
Our defense is our ultimate shield
To protect the disc, the sword that we wield.
We cheer from the sidelines and make the calls
Show our athletic prowess while standing tall
Grip, fly, and defy, we give it our all.

A layout, a block, an endzone snag
All our hard work puts games in the bag
As we carry on and wave our flag.
We don’t play for money or for fame
We play with a passion set aflame
For each other and the spirit of the game.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.