Krista Swanson

The Irony of Batman

Through the night

Your Batman comes

To the rescue to fight,

To save their life

For the ones he chooses

To help life seem right.

From the wrath of the fire,

To the itch of the ivy,


Each riddle life throws

A cat scars your hearts.


He wants to rid the world

Of a birds contagious arrogance.

But your Batman needs help too

To forgive and forget,

For if there was no jokefilled villain,

There would be no serious hero

Among you… who?


But my batman comes

Through the night

And through the day,

Whenever I need him

He hears my call

Without a sound

He forgives and loves

Even when I fall

My batman comes

To save my soul.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.