Timothy Zhu

Twin Brothers

From schoolwork, to sandwich making
My bother and I do everything mutually.

He grinds the tasty tuna into tenuous tittles,
While I drill through the Spanish exercises.

I, weeping, chop the astringent onions,
While he assembles the lab reports.

He culls the light-green lettuce,
While I take care of the monotonous mathematical problem sets.

I heat the bread until it becomes crisp and crunchy,
While he composes the essays.

He dices the slimy pickles,
While I complete the history reading assignments.

He applies the slick, saliferous mayonnaise to the bread,
While I take the Spanish tests.

I squeeze on the piquant mustard,
While he takes the bio exams.

He spreads the tuna goo,
While I show up to his history classes.

I pile on the colorful condiments,
While he attends my English classes.

He cuts the sandwich,
While I choose my half.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.