Marcos I.

The Answering Machine

“I’m sorry,

But the person you called

Is not available at this….”

You hang up,

On me,



It is my job to say that,

And yet you detest me.

I am infamous worldwide,

For these words and my tone.

Which are both so dull,

And annoying to you.


It will not be long

Till my phone shrieks again.

I have to pick up

And torture your friends.

Then silence follows, no message,

And I feel useless.


I’m sorry, I really am.

If only I could say it,

You’d understand,

And you’d curse my meaningless

Existence a little less,

But I know I just can’t.


I hear you, I do,

On the other end of the line,

Mumbling something,

I know it is bad,

There’s no way to hide it,

You hate me.


“I’m sorry,

But the person you called

Is not available at this time.

Please, leave a message,

After the tone,

Or try again, later”




Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.