Sydney C.

The Great Wall

The smell of a summer morning in the southern U.S.,
The hot sun burning like a dragon’s fire,
Wind blowing ever so slightly,
Tourists needing water every second,
Drinking it ever so carefully, so they can replenish.

Steps staggered,
At different heights and weights,
Slopes in some places, rocks that are misplaced.
Ten steps that feel like fifty.

Fans and umbrellas of every color,
Beautiful designs of every kind
The little shops that outline this great big snake.
Cameras flashing to capture the experience.

Across the road, the people
Look like ants upon a great big seagull,
With its wings spread across, as far as it can go.
Then you look up,
To see that there’s more to go

This Great Big Wall that I never
Thought I’d see.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.