Elizabeth B.

An Afternoon Drive

Driving down a dusty country road,
During spring watching the flowers bloom,
Blue skies above, birds' songs fill the air with everlasting peace,
Watching the grasses that dance with the wind as we pass.
The engine's hum as faint as a bee's buzz on a distant petal
The surroundings as safe as a baby's crib.

Now, we have to turn off this road,
The smooth dirt changes to broken pavement;
BA-BUMP! A pothole, one, two more,
I never said the ride would go smoothly.

Soon, though, you'll have to venture out from this little country town.
Where the smell of diesel, the whiz of the cars and the loads of eighteen wheelers Swaying to and fro,
Will fill your head with confusion and doubt.

But you have to join them, so
Gently glide onto the on-ramp,
You need to pick up speed.
Just pick your target and hit the gas!

Wait, not that fast.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.