Nicole Maher

A Silent Suffering

I am sincerely sorry
For the brutal beating you continuously endure.
Without uttering a sound,
You lay vulnerably on my table,
Perfectly masking your pain as
Holes are stabbed into your sides,
Your defined shape is sliced into shavings with scissors, and
Metal punctures your upper left corner.

In complete
You watch as your flawless slate,
That is as a recently cleaned white board,
Is forever destroyed by the sinister ink from my pen as I carve words on your surface.
There is no escape as frustrated hands grab at you
After endless hours of unsuccessful work.

The hands take their anger out on the innocent as
They crumple your crisp figure into a mess and hurl you to the ground in a tarnished condition,
Without a second thought of their treacherous treatment
Of paper and so
I am sincerely sorry.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.