Caroline N.

Missing Element

There's an unspoken thrill
As the fresh spring air swoops through the window
While she daintily slips into her frilly, pastel dress-
Ta-da! She is ready.

As she drives to your house
The sun dances on the windshield.
And while battling with her seat belt she strains forward-
Hoping to catch the first glimpse of your house.

Overjoyed, she springs from the car.
With a giddy, gap-tooth smile
She sprints up your porch steps.

I shudder.
A cold breeze shocks my body.
With a sigh I submerse myself
In a pool of down feathers.

Busting through your doors
She looks around frantically-
Where are you?!
Bess, Nial, even uncle Britt is there.
But where are you?. . .
You're supposed to be there, too-
You're the one she came to see.

I wake up.
It's been years since my last Easter-egg hunt
with you.

And it's never quite right since.
Because you're not here.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.