Nick A.


I have no idea what to write about,
I just want to shout,
“Why does poetry have to be so hard!?”

My brain will not work,
I am about to go berserk,
All because my deadline is Monday.

I apologize if reading this is giving you a headache,
Please don’t go jump in that lake,
At least wait ‘till Monday.

The keyboard won’t help me out,
I am experiencing a poetry drought,
And this has to be done by Monday.

I am going to take a break,
My fingers are starting to ache,
Goodnight, I will see you Monday.

Oh no!!! What time is it?
Man, I spit the bit!
It really can’t be Monday.

Fire up the computer,
I should have gotten that tutor!
But it is still Monday.

As I search in vain,
Much, much, mental pain,
Unfortunately, I realize this on Monday.

I finally realize,
After much stress…
I have a poem right here!
No more fear!
Thank god it’s Monday!


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.