Michael Loughlin

The Flag

Swaying in the milky white
Falling cloud of snow,
The red and blue of
Liberty and Hope.

The trees behind, stenciled in black,
But frosted in the white ice
Of a January morning.

Inside the yellow-grey walls,
There is nothing of much,
Just words to hear and facts to forget,
And interest to fake.

While Outside, gleaming through the swirling white,
The rigid pole, with the gold on top,
And the figure dancing in the wind.

The white brigade, blocking the light,
Except for the glow of two colors,
Accenting the sky,
Swaying and twisting and starting and stopping,
The white keeps tumbling down.

The lesson will be forgotten, is forgotten already
Two days after the class,
But the feeling of country, and pride,
And perseverance and freedom,
Will last years after room 225 is empty,
And nobody sees the flag outside the window.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.