Steve J.


The city line, filled with smog,

The cars stuck in traffic,

The people rushing to work,

There is no room to step a foot in.


Cars, buses and taxis trying to find their way,

It is nearly impossible to see a moving car.

The suffocating car exhaust fume,

Mixed with the smells of food from stands.


The hardest color to find is green,

The city has no sign of vegetation.

The only plant visible is

The plant on a window sill of an apartment.


The city at night is different.

The air is cleaner to breathe in.

The light decorations are turned on,

The view from the sky is beautiful.


No people can be seen running around,

No cars can be seen waiting in a traffic light,

The city is much easier to walk around,

But it’s time to leave, for a greater journey.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.