Christopher W.

The Ominous Suprise

All day long I felt like eyes were on me
Watching my every move, something’s gonna go down
After another long day of school, I trot my way home
No cars anywhere on my street
It is desolate
Deathly silent... Spooky
Nobody should be home, but I spy activity in my house
As soon as I tip toe to the door, the lights dim
I pry the door, hearing nothing except the creek of the floorboards
Silence falls again
I unbar the second door, flick on the light
The silence breaks
“Surprise!!” as people jump out from left and right
Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Parents, and Brothers
All clapping when they see me walking through the door
Everyone is clapping as my heart beats rapidly in relief
Tears of joy stream down from my eyes
At the surprise birthday party for me


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