Alex H.

Look Down

Memories that stay embedded in my brain.
The friendships I had a year ago,
All the good times, all the bad.

A lot can change in a year.
People I used to see everyday,
Left me to move on with their lives.

Relationships that had been growing for years,
Stop growing, but don’t disappear.
No longer fun and new, but memories keep it alive.

Every time I look down at my right wrist,
I see the reminder of what we once had,
The friendship we thought would last forever.

I think of her when I see the familiar neon colors staring back at me.
And when I get sad, I remind myself,
That when she looks down, she thinks of me too.

The bracelet, like our friendship,
Is broken and torn.
But cannot be replaced.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.