Caroline Desmond

Cape Cod

Turn after turn
While passing fern after fern,

My surroundings looking better,
Not to forget my drenched socks are even wetter

The ocean to my right
The feeling of someone else tight

The indigo colored waters
Splashed as they slaughtered

Smells of sand, salt, and sea
Right ahead, a golden rusted key

Orange outlining the sun bathing chairs, quite small,
Onto the docks, they are careful not to fall

The sky changes color and old memories become new
Like they were a plane that just flew

The times swimming and sweating in the roasting sun,
Outweigh the challenging 7.5 Falmouth Marathon Run

Taste buds flare,
Like my dad's cut-up pears

Juicy berry scented fruit is my middle name,
Watermelons fill the fridge, it’s a given fame

The memory fades in and out
Like the colors the sun drags about

This dream runs through
The summer house I knew

A drape of the curtains as the sun shines through
Cape Cod is where this takes me back to.


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