Nathan B.

Arlington Reservoir Dam

The water glistens as it meanders around a rock

The sun’s reflection beats as I rest on the precipice

The water challenges that I submit

Hesitantly approaching the water

I trip over a thick branch plunged within the firm dirt

Regaining my balance, I perch myself over the edge

The teeming fish swarm away from my shadow

Should I keep my parched clothes dry?

Or should I quench their thirst?

Would my splash be too thunderous?

Is it worth being covered in mud and smelling like a foot on the walk home?

I close my eyes and feel the wind sway my hair

I quell the inner debate and plunge into the water


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.