Lauren Jackson

The Dance of the Storm

The pitter patter of a light rain starts the show,

As it tiptoes politely around its enormous stage.

The introduction ends as the wind steps forward,

Creating anticipation, a hint of what is to come.

The rain and wind fall into step together,

A comfortable rhythm sets in.

A sudden flash of light takes center stage,

Followed closely by a clap of thunder,

The main event.

The trees join in, branches waving.

A tantalizing beat lures in all of nature,

As the flowers and the grass begin to sway,

And the ocean is churning and swirling to its own melody.

This is the dance of the storm.

The thunder grows quiet, and the lightning fades.

They exist stage right.

Wind spins slower, once a fierce tango becoming a ballet,

Until all that's left is the pitter patter of the raindrops,

Politely tiptoeing once again around the stage.

Gray curtains open to reveal a brilliant sun,

The grand finale to one of nature's most beautiful performances.

That was the dance of the storm.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.