Brian Evans

Hotel Buffet

My stomach roars as I enter the room.
A feast lies before me,
My eyes stare in awe,
My mouth waters with anticipation.
Barrages of smells tantalize my nose.
I’m led to the table, and grab my plate.
Stacks of pancakes with warm maple syrup
Waffles with whipped cream,
Who can resist?
Cereal and yogurt get off the buffet,
You're dry and you're slimy, stay away.
The bacon and sausage sizzle in the pan,
Your heavenly aroma means you're next.
Then comes the omelet, oozing with cheese.
To compliment this, the trifecta of potatoes,
Roasted, mashed, and hash browns, a scoop of each.
The plate is not full, this will not do.
Maybe something healthy, a berry or two,
Or should it be a pastry that fills the gap.
How about a compromise,
Strawberries on cheesecake.
My breakfast is complete,
I am ready to feast.
Bon Appetite…I’ll diet next week.


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