Alexander Yared

Fall of the King

King Nick looked out grimly over the ramparts of his castle as he pondered the latest turn of events. Famine had ravaged the countryside over the past month, and disease was just plucking his farmers off the face of the earth. To make matters even worse, the church had come around to get taxes, and he had had nothing to give them. Two more months had passed and now the bishops were coming for him.

He saw the gleam of armor coming over the crest of the hill and King Nick knew he was in trouble. Two columns of knights came down the hill, followed by the bishops, burning down the farms and killing all the peasants in their path. His Queen stepped up behind him, unafraid. But then again, he thought, she was the real power behind the throne; she could do whatever she wanted. That realization made him feel older and more tired than ever, like a worn puppet dangling from strings.

King Nick and his Queen retreated further into the castle, to try to gain some time. Despite Nick’s protests, the Queen went out to fight with her tremendous power.

The hours dragged by as he sat alone in the throne room, desperately waiting for news of the battle. Shouting made him rush to the door, and there he saw that the enemy had penetrated the castle. The Queen bashed a knight’s helm in two, sending him sprawling across the cold, checkered floor. A noise made her turn around, and too late, she realized that she was trapped, a bishop sneaking up behind her. Her last breath, as she lay pinned against the ground, was a desperate plea:

“Don’t let them reach the King!”

King Nick, seeing his Queen fall, fled behind the castle, but in vain. The bishop and a second knight closed in.

“Checkmate!” rang across the room, and Bobby Fischer had won again.


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