Catherine Costello

The Adrenaline Rush

As I feel the fierce winds blowing across my face,
While heading up the enormous mountain
It refreshes me and all stressful thoughts are lost.
I am completely relaxed and enjoying the moment.

I reach the top and get a sudden urge of excitement.
I look down to see I am strapped in tightly,
And, I am ready to go.

Heading down the mountain, picking up speed,
I feel like a bird flying free in the air,
I get that adrenaline rush, pumping through my body and it is thrilling
Though nerve-wracking at first, I am soon in my comfort zone.

Faster and faster I go, maneuvering my way around obstacles,
I feel there are no limits as I look down at the magnificent view.
I can see for miles out, little houses and cars like ants in the distance.

I am focused on reaching my destination.
I dodge a tree, then a skier,
My board takes me to safety like a bird reaching its nest.

Before I know it, the trip is at its end
I come to a sudden halt, spraying snow in all directions.
Without thinking I am heading up the mountain again, hungry for more.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.