Anika P.

A Saturday Morning

A splash of the crisp water,
I hit as I dive.
My fingers first,
break the surface,
of the silent, calm
blue water.

My eyes are closed;
always closed.
I hear the hundreds
of people watching.

Smell the familiar scent.
The sharp aroma of chlorine
early in the morning
is awakening.

My head tucked in,
now I can feel it.
The cool water
surrounding my body.

Legs are next,
in with a splash
as I shoot through.

Girls next to me are
six of the best friends;
six of the worst enemies.

Supporters on the deck,
lined up for me.

My coach yelling,
blowing his whistle.

Finishing the race,
full speed ahead.

Head down,
a last breath of air,
then silence

as my entire body
is submerged,
as my hand drives hard
into the wall.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.