Jeremy F.

The Never Dream

To close my eyes
In some place out of this realm
To imagine
To fly
To be free
To feel the wind pass smoothly across the face
Till the darkness has begun.

Then endless void
Nowhere to see
The ring, the voice, the sounds
Conscious feeling
The drag of the dream, the slight remembrance.

Then nothing
The spinning and the assault of many smells
The crisp smell of chocolate, tickling the nose
The small buzz of bees on the window
The warmth of the bed.

All is lost,
Except the bright day with the sun beating down.
The morning begins,
The promise of a new day,
All is put aside.

That is my dream,
The dream that never was.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.