Emma C.

The Beach

I look out at the endless expanse stretching before me,
an ocean of glass shimmering in every color of the rainbow –
magenta, violet, aquamarine, amber, buttercup, emerald, periwinkle, cobalt.
Golden droplets from the sun exude warmth as they float downwards,

illuminating the shards they land on.
A wave crashes on the shore before my feet,
filling my ears with the tinkling of glass,
a soothing melody never heard before.

Serene bell-like sounds ring from the bright shards
while calming, gong-like noises pulsate from the shadowy shards.
My eyes are drawn towards a glowing shard,
a crisp, icy azure slice of glass.

As my fingers touch the cool, silky surface,
the shard liquefies, sending a frosty jolt through my body,
that clears my mind.
I find another alluring shard,

a welcoming shade of honey.
I reach out towards the glass,
expecting to feel a comforting warmth spread throughout me,
like being bundled in front of a fire on a chilly winter’s day,
but pain scorches through my hand as my finger brushes the glass,
and crimson beads ooze down the shiny surface.

 As I look at the scratch on my hand in disbelief,
the tranquil melody of the shards transforms
into dissonant beeps.

I am wrenched away from the vivid ocean
into my frigid, dark room,
the alarm clock screeching in my ear.
I long for the dream that is quickly becoming blurry in my mind,
the last memories of the magical shards dissipating like fog.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.