Andrew Kuida


My life is full of joy

1/4 to 1/3 of my life consists of bliss

That’s 6 to 8 hours a day

6 to 8 hours of happiness


My life must be blessed

To have so much happiness and for so long

This happiness has been with me for all my life

This happiness is available to me readily and easily


All I have to do

Is close my eyes

And let my mind drift

To the sweet state of relaxation


Free of worries

Free of doubts

Free of stress

And full of rest


I ease into the nightly routine

Relief flowing through my body

Sometimes I see vivid images

Other times, a blank nothingness


Time flies, and all of a sudden

I open my eyes

I close them again

Then open them


I know I must wait

Until later

But ignoring her makes it all the more difficult

To resist her


She has a sister, cousin, relative, acquaintance, stranger

Perhaps they are separated by species, kingdoms, worlds, galaxies. universes, dimensions

But this other one is eternal

Perhaps this other one gives a similar sensation


But maybe not


We will all meet this other one in due time

So perhaps I’m better off sticking with her, the one I’ve always known

Besides, there might be happiness elsewhere

Somewhere out there


Or maybe, I’ve already found it


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.