Nominerdene Tumennasan

Spin Faster and Faster

Stepping onto the carousel
Holding tight onto the railings
I spin faster and faster
Until everything becomes a blur

Standing there in my pink overalls
I look over at my mother
Sitting peacefully on the bench
Her wave comforts me

I close my eyes
The colors of the sky and the leaves
Mix together
Becoming my canvas painting

The wind blows
Threatening to knock me down
As my hair dances wildly in the breeze

The echoes of laughter
Ring through my head
Children all around me are having fun
I smile

Yet somehow
I have the whole playground to myself
I am alone
As I spin faster and faster

I begin to open my eyes
Scared to see the dizzy world
Falling into pieces around me
How do I stop?

Everything is a blur
The colors transform into a brown mess
The echoes of laughter
Now mock my fear

The wind whipping my face
Tells me to fall
My smile fades away
Tears form
I want everything to stop
My friends are still running
Spinning the carousel
Faster and faster

I yell at them to stop
But their laughter
Drowns out my voice

I run from the center
And jump off
For a second
I feel like I’m flying
As I move closer again
To my canvas painting

Then everything stops

My knee tingles
The blood draws a line down my leg
I stand up and look around
Soaking in my surroundings

The colors are back in their original places
I fill in the silence with my laughter
The wind strokes gently across my face
As I walk back to the carousel
Wanting to spin faster and faster


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.