Lauren Ransohoff

The Mime

A true performer since playground games
ambitious, animated and full of life
what great potential, with such pure talent
he is bright with humor
what a shame he put that voice of music
in hiding.

On a fast-paced rollercoaster ride
towards success, soon to break down
a fearless man holds on to a twisted ride
up then down then down
lacking momentum to rise again
to success.

A shattered dream
a tragedy with no safety net, nowhere
to turn, nothing to fall back on
except the streets, begging for a job
where remembered talents sink back
to life.

The mime on the corner has a story
to tell, but with no one to hear him he puts
his voice, now fallen and forgotten
away, into hiding, hoping for that day
that one day when just one person
will listen.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.