Yusheng Hou

Endless Chess Wars

Sixteen chessmen face off over alternate light and shadow,

Like two armies ready to wreak havoc upon a meadow.

A signal goads both sides to rush forward and act,

Before the enemy gathers itself to react.

Pawns erect a pike barricade, fortifying their armies’ position.

Knights leap over the barriers to charge of their own volition,

Armies undertake marches to outmaneuver the enemy.

Commanders carry out strategies until they stymie.

In time the rooks break down the wall like battering rams.

Bishops’ arrows transform targets into leaky dams.

Cowering in his castle, the monarch wants no more.

He resigns to joining his fellows as prisoners of war.

The victors celebrate their achievement of peace.

However, only the foolish believes all fighting will cease.

New wars or chess matches begin anytime after the previous ends.

No means exist to terminate these trends.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.