Abigail Heingartner

The Artist

You are an adventurer traversing irregular terrain,
land untouched by human feet,
absent from the map.
You are the first.

This territory is dangerous,
yet is the thrill of new discovery worth the risk?
What beauty might you find just beyond the next turn,
if you persevere?

Every forest, and hill, and rock
might hide some new wonder—
A tiny, snow-white flower sparkling in the sun
or a beetle the color of the ocean.

Perhaps what lies beyond the next turn
is a cliff.
The plunge is precipitous—
Do you dare to look over the edge?

One slip, and a torrent of pebbles
reverses the progress as all,
all the anguish, all the toil, all the triumph
is diminished to destruction.

Yet, if you trod carefully,
you are the first to discover
the valley below—
a final gem of reward.

You are the Artist.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.