Noah Star


Tuck in, covering the sky with a blanket of clouds.
Left alone in the dark caged room.
The sun trickles in, a leaky faucet of shine.
Do not think it is wise to leave today.

The others roam and search in the wild streets,
But I am stuck, a caged bird.
Face, pressed against the window, hoping for freedom,
Only to watch from above, like something divine.

Only to watch from above, a lifelike array of dolls.
Reaching out but pulled back by the shackles.
The rigid strict walls of the room force all inside.
Do not think it is wise to leave today.
The ominous stormy weather, the blood stained war,

The darkest and quietest of night and fear mongers.
But I am not safe here in the cage, the prison.
Kept from the world, nothing to live for each day.
Do not think it is wise to leave today.
I drift off to sleep dreaming, and then awake.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.