Alison Boreiko


I have a dream we find you.
You are playing on the beach.
The sand sprays over your feet and stomach,
But then, you’re my spotless sheets.

I have a dream you come back home.
We celebrate on the shore.
Tents and crowds - Don't be afraid!
You’re the guest they most adore.

I have a dream you make a friend,
Like an angel, dressed in white.
Before I give you a hug goodbye,
You scamper from my sight.

I have a dream you’re panting,
Stretched before our door.
Welcome! But you should have come back
Two whole years before.

I remember you wear eyeliner.
Your fur is thick and red.
I know that you’re still beautiful,
Even if you’re dead.

I remember people often ask:
What kind of dog is she?
Maybe dingo with some fox,
We reply, unknowingly.

I remember you are grinning.
Your face is split in two.
She’s in ‘Doggy Heaven’ we joke.
Now I hope it’s true.

I remember we are walking,
Down to the trickling stream.
You heed my each and every word,
Although you’re in my daydream.

I remember how you pierce me
With your smart, bright stare.
The most loyal pain I’ve ever felt,
That’s how I know you care.

I remember on that morning,
You love to chase those deer.
We scream and yell and call your name.
I wish that you could hear.

I wake up with you in my arms,
But you are not the same.
You’re petite with coarse, black fur.
You have a different name.

I hope that it was peaceful,
That it was joy that stopped your heart.
We may never truly know,
But dreaming is a start.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.