Gregory Muir

The Hill

The treads' hum against the pavement,
The bike's wheels spinning as he pedals.
A potent smell of asphalt wraps him,
The world devouring him as he tries to break free.

The boy corners away from the road.
He darts past a fallen tree.
He approaches the hill,
Driving with stronger initiative.

He bounds over a log in the path,
Then downshifting he hops the rock.
Having ascended half way he feels a relief,
Pressure surges away from every facet of his body.

He starts up again with more determination,
The freedom of riding through nature grips him tighter with each lurch forward.
The boy with determination which would rival an Olympian
Making his final push up with all energy he commands flowing into his bike.

The treads' splattering dirt to him,
Wheels revolving past the speed of light
Scented flowers presenting a divine aroma,
Just him, knowing what it means to be free.

He is once against himself, escaped form the society that tried to hold him.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.