Allison Forlenza


The echoing boom.

Sparks flying just over the roof.

The red sparkling amongst the stars.

Smoke spreading over the sky.

Feet stampeding across the porch, thundering down the creaky wooden stairs.

Calls of concerned parents-sharp and going unheard.

The young squeals moving down the block, intensifying with time.

Others skidding off the boardwalk; sliding under the railing; landing in the grains of sand.

A symphony of heavy breathing.

Eyes reflecting rainbows-mesmerized.

Ankles immersed in sand.

A coast lined with illuminated speckles.

Fizzling lights, popping sounds.

Crashing waves.

The spray of salt water, the shrieking of a moist young girl.

A proud giggle from a mischievous young boy.

Multiple feet splashing through shallow water.

The last explosion echoing into the night.

A pause.

A sigh.

Footsteps retreating -slow and staggered.

Collecting sand with every movement.

A final souvenir from the summer.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.