Ben E.

When the West Wind Blows...

When the west wind blows
Mother Nature shakes the ground
And tumbles down the rain
And people bring their garden gnomes inside

The plains freeze over with little drops of glitter
Softly sprung, a dance of light
Majestic in its complexity, and simplicity
And the cats and dogs come inside the house

The children gather around the fireplace
Somber in their discontent
Basking in the sultry lick of the flames
And in comes the patio furniture

The snow falls in sheets on the plain
Deftly leaving no tree without a burden
Blanketing the roof and chimney
And mother takes in the Tulip from the windowsill

And outside, as the icy gale bears down
The gnomes, and cats, and dogs, and flowers, and furniture
All sit by the door
Waiting, waiting, until tomorrow.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.