Ali Afridi

Cricket the Best Sport of All

The best sport in the world is cricket;
Nothing is better than hitting the wicket.
The sport is acclaimed internationally;
Yet it comes so naturally.

All the players have one goal that’s all:
To bring the trophy to their stall.
The players rise to the occasion,
Indo-Pak or Caucasian.

The India – Pakistan match has begun.
The Chikas, Chokas and all the runs…
“Boom! Boom! Afridi” goes the crowd.
The screaming is all very loud.

The batter swings and hits the ball.
The catcher runs but misses and falls.
The bowler shouts but there is no use at all.
The Umpire cries as the ball hits the wall.

This game designed so long ago,
To bolster England’s ego.
To destroy Australia’s high hopes,
Or so the Aussie mopes.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.