Sarah Foster

For the Tenth Time Today

For the tenth time today the fan sputters to a stop
As he stands over the dark crevice
Rimmed by a crumbling stonewall.

For the tenth time today he must clean the stones,
And once again he feels the tightening grip of a wrinkled hand
Around his cold metal neck.

For the tenth time today the room closes in on him,
The walls painted with children,
Whose empty eyes and forced smiles stare down at him and his two o’ clock.

For the tenth time today he dives into the cool bath of winter fresh cleaner,
Emerging with a glimmering façade,
Which moments from now will be covered in filth.

For the tenth time today he must turn and turn in circles of submission
Trading in his fresh bristles
For ones covered in the grime of the yellow stones below him.

For the tenth time today he must spin through dirt and scum,
Destroying his dignity and pride,
As he is merely a weapon in the lives of others,
One that must be self-destructive.

For the tenth time today he feels the sadness envelop his cold body
As he glances at the metal bucket across the room,
Recalling his headless fate.

For the tenth time today he refocuses on a decaying tooth,
This time displaying a soggy piece of lettuce
Wedged in its gaping hole.

For the tenth time today a feeling of self-pity flows through his pulsing veins,
Dreaming of escaping this cruel world
As he continues to polish the teeth of another patient.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.