Yongjin Andrew Chang

Underneath the Evergreens

I crunch through the snow,
And roll into my sled,
With a gentle "plop!"
Separated from the world
By twenty layers of cloth

I gaze down the slope,
A perilous cliff,
Peppered with jagged rocks,
And towering trees,
With a feeling of brash anxiety
My journey to the evergreens!

I scream aloud,
To my heart's content,
The gust tears my eyes,
As I wind through the obstacles,
Between me and the evergreens.

I rush down the hill,
On that chilly day,
The wave of excitement,
Brings a rush of warmth,
And a wild grin on my face.

I arrive at the end of my journey,
I sigh, relieved,
And gaze at the clouds,
Searching for the sun,
Setting along the horizon.

"I made it!"
When I turn to look at my path,
All I see is a gentle, calm slope.
I shrug and drop on my back,
I take my deserved rest,
Underneath the evergreens.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.