Timothy Bagby

The Winter Pond

When I was young

I would always have fun

I would play near my pond

With which I had a bond

Once I tried to stand on its ice

Thinking it will suffice

I should have thought twice

Before I went on the ice

When I heard a crack

I should have turned back

The ice was so thin

That I fell in

I felt betrayed

For I did not receive aid

And in a blink

I started to sink

The ice did not hold

I felt cold

I had a shiver

And a quiver

To get to land was so hard

It felt like several yards

I trudged through the ice

The ice parted as if it was sliced

But I kept on going

Without even slowing

I still felt the cold

It still had a hold

But I finally made it to land

Now I can stand

And from then on

I realized I was not like a swan


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.