Alison T.


I take the stairs
two at a time,
reaching my destination
as fast as possible.

My foot slips, my body shakes,
I recover, and continue.
Faster, I tell my legs,
just move faster,
he's coming.

The door to his office opens
with a click of the lock unlatching.
His footsteps are light
in his brown leather dress shoes.

I'm running on tiptoes
to silence my steps.
The door is open,
I can easily slide inside.
His steps are louder
moving closer
echoing in the house.

The door shuts behind me
and the wind chimes
hanging on the knob
jingle rhythmically
with the pounding
of my heart.

I made it.
Stop worrying.
My feet leave delicate
foot prints on the ugly beige carpet.
The off-white,
used-to-be-white silk blanket
is wrinkled exactly where I left it.  

I slither underneath
and turn my face away from the door.
Breathe out, I tell my lungs,
you're safe.

Light tap on the door,
my muscles tighten,
heart paused,
breathing stopped,
wind chimes clanging.
His footsteps were silent,
he's like a ghost,
he's at the door,
he's here.
Stop hiding.


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.