Diana Mojahed

My Computer

I hate to look at you,
I do it every day,
every night,
until I fall asleep.

You take over my life,
my sanity.
All else melts away,
no sight of my life,
my home, my family.

I want to see it all,
not you,
for you only show me what it is that I cannot see.
It’s not fair to make me live like this.

Let me go.
Let us all go,
I want to live, please.

Where did the old days go?
When you were not here,
to take me away.

You promised new opportunities,
new ways to communicate,
but instead,
you took away my happiness,
my connection to real life.

Now has come the time for you to let me go—
Drop me down from your cloud,
back into my bright world,
which is awaiting me,
awaiting my return to happiness.
So now I go,
go to sleep.
Goodnight to you,
if only once and for all. ♦


Copyright © 2002-2010 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2010 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.